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Writer's pictureAlexa Layne-Stratton

Finding Strength in the Chaos: A Devotional for Busy Moms

Hey mama, I’ve got to be real with you—I’m tired. Between juggling work, chasing after kids, trying to keep the house in one piece, and making sure everyone gets fed (and occasionally bathed!), I sometimes feel like I’m barely hanging on. There are days when I wonder how in the world I’m going to keep it all together, and I know I’m not alone in this.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably had those moments too—the ones where the chaos feels like it’s just too much, where you’re running on fumes and wondering if you’ll ever feel “caught up” again. And in those moments, I have to remind myself of something incredibly important: I don’t have to do it all in my own strength.

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” — 2 Corinthians 12:9

This verse always hits home for me because, let’s be honest, there are a lot of weak moments. I’m talking about those moments when you’re doing your best, but the to-do list keeps growing, and you’re one toddler meltdown away from losing it. But the beauty of this verse? It tells us we don’t have to hold it all together—God’s grace fills in the gaps when we can’t.

1. Embracing the Mess (and the Weakness)

So, let’s talk about weakness for a minute. It’s not exactly something we like to admit, right? As moms, we’re often trying to be everything to everyone: the perfect mom, the perfect wife, the perfect employee, the perfect friend. But the truth is, we’re not supposed to be perfect. God never asked us to have it all together all the time—He asked us to trust Him, even in the mess.

I remember one afternoon when everything was falling apart—kids were fighting, the kitchen was a disaster, and I was already exhausted from a long day at work. I just sat down on the floor, put my head in my hands, and whispered, “Lord, I can’t do this today.” And you know what? That’s exactly what He wanted to hear.

Because in that moment, I wasn’t relying on my own strength anymore. I was letting go, admitting I couldn’t handle it all, and giving God room to step in. And He did, in His quiet, gentle way, reminding me that His grace was more than enough to get me through.

2. Finding God's Strength in the Everyday

Here’s the thing: God’s strength doesn’t just show up in the big, life-altering moments. It’s in the everyday stuff, too—the small, messy, mundane moments where we need Him most.

For me, it looks like taking a deep breath when my toddler spills their juice for the third time that day and whispering a quick prayer, “Jesus, I need your patience right now.” Or it’s when I’m driving to pick the kids up from school, feeling overwhelmed by the day ahead, and I turn off the radio for just a minute to say, “God, give me the strength to keep going.”

It’s not always about having long, uninterrupted quiet times (though those are great if you can manage them!). It’s about those little moments where we pause and remember we don’t have to carry it all. We can lean on Him.

3. When You Feel Like It’s All Too Much

Let’s be real, there are days when it all feels like too much. Days when you’re running on zero sleep, your kids are acting like they’re auditioning for a tornado disaster movie, and you just don’t have the energy to be “supermom.” Guess what? That’s okay. You don’t need to be supermom. You just need to be the mom God created you to be—and He’ll give you the strength to be that mom, even on your hardest days.

God’s grace isn’t something we have to earn. It’s a free gift, and it’s always enough. When we’re at our weakest, that’s when His power really shows up. So if you’re feeling like you’re barely hanging on, that’s when you’re in the perfect position for God’s grace to carry you through.

4. A Prayer for the Overwhelmed Mama

If today feels like one of those days, I get it. I’ve been there, too. So let’s take a moment to pray together and let God take the weight off our shoulders.

Father, I’m tired. I’m overwhelmed. There are days when I feel like I’m failing and I can’t keep up. But I know that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Help me to let go of trying to do it all on my own. Fill me with Your grace today. Carry me through the tough moments and remind me that You are always with me, giving me exactly what I need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Final Thoughts: We’re in This Together

Mama, I just want to remind you that you’re not alone in this. We all have those days when we feel like we’re falling apart, and that’s okay. God’s grace is big enough to cover every meltdown, every mess, and every moment when we feel like we just can’t do it. Lean into His strength, take it one step at a time, and remember that His grace is always enough.

And hey, if you’ve got stories of how God has shown up for you in those overwhelming moments, I’d love to hear them. Share your heart in the comments below, and let’s encourage each other as we navigate this wild, beautiful journey of motherhood together.

In grace and coffee (because let’s be real, we need both!),


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