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Writer's pictureAlexa Layne-Stratton

Teaching Children About Christ: Simple Beginnings (Babies & Toddlers Under 2)

Introducing your little ones to Jesus from an early age lays the foundation for a life rooted in faith. While babies and toddlers may not fully understand who Jesus is yet, they’re already absorbing so much from their environment—and that includes spiritual truths. Even at this young age, you can start creating meaningful, simple ways to teach them about God’s love and presence.

In this post, we’ll explore practical ways to introduce Christ to your baby or toddler, using everyday moments to build a sense of God’s love that will grow with them as they get older.

1. Speak About God in Everyday Moments

Your baby or toddler might not understand theology, but they do respond to tone, repetition, and the warmth in your voice. Make talking about God a natural part of your daily routine.

  • God’s Creation: When outside for a walk or playing in the yard, point to the trees, the sky, or the animals and say things like, “God made the beautiful trees” or “God loves us and gave us the sunshine.”

  • Affirm God's Love: While you’re holding your baby or rocking them to sleep, whisper gentle reminders of God’s love. Say, “Jesus loves you so much,” or sing a soothing lullaby like “Jesus Loves Me.”

  • Blessing at Mealtime: Begin simple prayers at meal or snack times. Fold their little hands and say a short, sweet prayer like, “Thank you, God, for this food. Amen.”

2. Use Bible Songs and Lullabies

Music is a wonderful way to introduce faith to babies and toddlers. It engages their senses and helps them begin associating positive feelings with Jesus. Even at a young age, babies respond to melodies and rhythms, so singing Bible songs or listening to Christian lullabies can be a peaceful way to introduce spiritual truths.

  • Sing “Jesus Loves Me”: This classic song is simple, soothing, and communicates the most important truth—God loves them.

  • Play Christian Lullabies: While your baby is napping or winding down for bedtime, play gentle Christian lullabies or soft worship music. These calming tunes can create an atmosphere of peace and comfort.

  • Interactive Songs: Toddlers love songs with actions. Simple tunes like “This Little Light of Mine” or “The B-I-B-L-E” with hand movements help them engage while learning about Jesus.

3. Introduce Bible Stories with Picture Books

Even though your baby or toddler can’t yet understand complex Bible stories, introducing them to simple, colorful Bible books will begin to spark their curiosity about God’s Word. Babies love looking at pictures, and toddlers enjoy turning the pages and pointing out familiar objects.

  • Baby-Friendly Bible Books: Choose board books that tell simple Bible stories with vibrant pictures. Look for versions with large, colorful illustrations and very short sentences.

  • Point and Name: As you read, point to the pictures and describe them in simple terms. “This is Noah. God told Noah to build a big boat.” Ask your toddler to point to different characters like Noah, the animals, or Jesus.

  • Routine Reading: Make Bible reading part of your bedtime routine, even if it’s just one or two pages. Babies and toddlers thrive on routine, and reading a Bible story together at the same time each night can help them associate this time with peace, comfort, and God’s presence.

4. Pray Together in Simple Ways

Teaching your little one how to pray doesn’t need to be complicated. Babies and toddlers learn through repetition and observation, so start with simple, short prayers that you can say aloud for them, and over time, they’ll begin to follow along.

  • Prayers at Bedtime: Establish a habit of praying with your child before bed. Keep it short and simple, like, “Thank you, God, for today. Thank you for Mommy, Daddy, and for loving me. Amen.” As your toddler grows, they’ll start to learn the words and understand that prayer is a way to talk to God.

  • Prayers of Gratitude: Throughout the day, offer little prayers of thanks. “Thank you, Jesus, for this beautiful day,” or “Thank you, God, for our family.” Babies and toddlers pick up on tone and will soon connect these small moments of gratitude to their daily life.

  • Praise & Worship: Toddlers love movement! During playtime or quiet time, turn on a worship song and encourage your toddler to clap or dance. This helps them understand that worship can be joyful and fun.

5. Model Christ’s Love Through Your Actions

One of the most powerful ways babies and toddlers learn about Christ is by observing your behavior. Though they are too young to grasp the concepts of love, grace, and kindness in abstract terms, they will absorb these lessons through how you treat them and others.

  • Show Love and Patience: When you respond to your baby’s cries or your toddler’s tantrums with gentleness and love, you’re modeling Christ-like behavior. These early experiences teach them about love, comfort, and grace—traits they’ll later associate with Jesus.

  • Involve Them in Acts of Kindness: When possible, include your little one in small acts of kindness. Whether it’s preparing a meal for someone or helping a neighbor, explain in simple terms, “We’re helping because Jesus wants us to love others.”

  • Attend Church Together: Even if your baby or toddler is too young to understand a sermon, bringing them to church helps set the foundation of faith and community. They’ll get used to hearing worship music, seeing people pray, and being surrounded by others who love Jesus.

Final Thoughts: Building a Faith Foundation

Remember, teaching your baby or toddler about Christ isn’t about grand gestures or elaborate lessons—it’s about the small, everyday moments where God’s love is present. Whether it’s singing a bedtime lullaby, reading a Bible story, or offering a simple prayer, these tiny seeds of faith will grow as your child matures.

At this stage, it’s about surrounding your little one with love, peace, and the knowledge that they are cared for by you—and by a God who loves them even more.

How do you introduce your little ones to Jesus? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

In faith and simplicity,


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